Research has a part to play at all points in the sponsorship project: starting from the selection of the sport program for matching the brand values with, along the all way through the activation process for any single action which has the aim to maximise the brand exposure, and towards the final review process for evaluation of the entire sponsorship results. 

For example sponsors who have earned a specific property from a team, research is useful to establish the key performance indicator (KPI) benchmark, that automatically becomes a reference from which the sponsorship performance data can be measured against the goals.

Regular tracking and research over a long-term sponsorship period provide data that assist the managers in identifying where action needs to be taken, or where changes of emphasis would breathe new life into the project.

Prior to renewing a sponsorship contract, research will help to gauge whether the project still has the potential to inspire the audience.

Post-sponsorship, the role of research is to establish the actual outcomes achieved by the sponsorship, provide the “lesson learnt” and maybe even to establish a benchmark for further sponsorship investments.

Different approaches to research are set against your sponsorship objectives, divided primarily in two types of market research. Quantitative research offers a numerical, consistent, and statistically robust approach that can be repeated across different properties and stakeholder groups.

Qualitative research can help you develop an understanding of how a sponsorship may connect with your brand, or generate insights into how the project might be activated.

We help you set and make integration of market research with your sponsorship strategy. Let’s meet and discuss the next research together.

Start to track your performance today

Place your brand for activation.
  • Questo campo serve per la convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato inalterato.